We are so excited that your heart has been moved to join what God is doing through the incredible volunteer team here at The Shoreline Church! Whether your heart is to serve locally or globally we’re excited to connect you!
Below you will have a chance to learn more about the AVAILABLE OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE within our church.
Scroll below to learn more or join now at the button below!
Chair setup and tear down for events: This involves helping to set up chairs and other equipment for events such as Sunday services, Bible studies, and community events. Volunteers can sign up to help weekly, bi-weekly, or choose to volunteer one Sunday, a month.
General Ministries Help: Volunteers with skills in installation, such as carpentry or electrical work, can help install equipment and create an engaging space for the church. If you have experience with woodworking, you can use your skills to create custom decorations or other items for church events.
Ready to join our shuttle team? Email Chris to get connected!
The silent heroes. This team shows up at 7am on Sundays to setup signs in parking lots and help welcome our church family while directing them to a parking spot. We also need a few people to help take down parking lot signs and cones at the end of second service!
You will help women slow down in this fast-paced culture and connect authentically with a community of women who are following Jesus and want to grow in their relationship with Him.
This team helps women get connected in fellowship with one another. Opportunities include AWAKEN Women's Study on Wednesday mornings in the spring and fall, Mom Co on Thursday mornings, and various events throughout the year like Women's Retreat and Women's Christmas Brunch.
You will help men to grow and develop a deeper relationship with Jesus and build into a community of men following Jesus together.
This team helps men get connected in fellowship with one another. Opportunities include assisting with hospitality or being a table leader at THRIVE Men's Study on Tuesday mornings in the spring and fall, Men's Retreat, and Men's Breakfast.
You will join the team to develop healthy marriages that will thrive through events, through our premarital counseling program or marriage mentoring program.
This team believes in continuing to invest in your marriage. With this team you can get involved in Marriage events, Pre-Marital Counseling or Marriage Mentoring where we continue to promote healthy marriages.
Coffee makers are ready to go early in the morning to ensure enough coffee gets made for our church to be awake and alert during service. Coffee/donut volunteers will oversee the coffee tables before/after service, make sure all contents on tables are fully stocked, and willingly help attendees create their ideal cup of Joe!
We are looking for those who would like to make grocery runs throughout the week to shop for the necessities and supplies that it takes to run a Sunday morning. This includes milk, fruit, muffins, and other things!
These are people who can assist our church family in finding a seat, giving them a bible, and passing the tithing baskets during a Sunday service. You ensure the comfort and safety of all guests inside, minimize disturbances, and occasionally ushers will welcome people at the entrance of the worship center as well!
If you are outgoing and like to smile, this is the role for you! You will welcome people with a smile and help them find where they need to go before service. This role is important for a number of reasons, but mostly to make first timers feel seen and loved from the moment they step foot into the driveway!
Help serve communion to the church family on the first Sunday of every month. Looking for those with a heart to serve! This role is during service.
Life groups are the heartbeat of the discipleship that goes on at The Shoreline Church…..and they don’t exist without our Life Group Hosts! We’re not looking for trained seminarians and Bible teachers - just people with a heart for hospitality, and a desire to see people connect to Jesus and each other.
What’s needed?
Be willing to open up your home for your Life Group.
Help keep the conversation on track by asking questions, or moving on from a topic
We have many Shoreliners looking to join a Life Group but are needed to add groups to do so, are you willing to step in?
Serve once a month, twice a month, or every week.
Arrive 30 minutes before service
Either teach or co-lead a classroom
Serve all week long (Monday - Thursday), roughly 8:00am - 1:00pm
Attend training meetings prior to VBS
Lead and supervise kids
Other roles as well (decor, hospitality, rotation leads)
Attend camp all week (Sunday - Friday)
Be a role model, disciple, keep kids safe and have fun all week
Parent Leaders who lead or co-lead small groups of kids on a weekly basis
Host Leader would offer up their home as a meeting place
Our leaders are devoted to discipling students in the ways of Christ while having a TON of FUN!
Sundays: Sunday leaders are ready to love and care for every student and glorify God through their example!
Thursdays: Thursday leaders are consistent in their discipleship by diving deep into God’s Word and having real conversations. Leaders care for students by loving, listening, and showing grace and truth.
Time Commitment: Thursdays: 6:30pm - 8:30pm | Sundays: 9:30am - 12:30pm
Our leaders help the students of Foundation, understand, believe, and trust what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.
Sundays: Leaders are to be an example of what it looks like to lead a life glorifying to Jesus Christ.
Tuesdays: Leaders DISCIPLE students by diving deeper into the word in Life Groups. Leaders CARE for students by loving, listening, and showing grace and truth.
Time Commitment: Tuesdays 6:30 - 9:00pm | Sundays 10:15am - 12:00pm
Our volunteer-based ministry helps kids and students with developmental, physical, or neurological delays and/or disorders. We launched TIDES to be a welcoming place for worn-out families to come and know that their son or daughter will be welcomed and loved with open arms!
Drums, Acoustic, Electric and Bass Guitar, Keyboards and Piano, Strings, Background Vocalists, and Worship Leaders.
All of these positions and serve opportunities are individually auditioned and interviewed based on experience, skill level, and heart. We are looking for people who are looking to glorify and serve Jesus with the gifts they’ve been given. Our expectation for each of these positions is that they would be available 1-2 Sunday mornings a month to serve on Sundays as well as occasional mid week events (often on Wednesdays).
Sunday: 6:30am-12:00pm
Wednesday: 5:00pm-8:30pm.
If you are not musical but would still love to serve and bless the Worship and Production teams on Sundays, this is for you!
We ask that you are able to commit to once a month, providing a warm breakfast for 10-15 people (Pastors, Worship Team and Production Team). Meals can be either homemade or picked up from a store/restaurant (Whatever works for you best). Delivery of food would take place on Sunday Mornings between 7:30-8:00 am.
Work with Worship/Creative Arts Lead to capture Worship experiences and events, especially the experience of the attendees.
Work with Worship/Creative Arts Lead to capture Worship Experiences and events for potential social media posts, event recaps, etc.
Operate one of the livestream cameras at one or more services in coordination with the video director. No experience required.
Run slides for worship and messages. Helpful skill - knowledge in general functions of Mac and can identify and follow along with worship songs.
In communication with the Worship Team, Pastors, and Production Team, this person will help services run smoothly by assisting with transitions and making sure everyone is in the right place at the right time.
Work with our Creative Lead to create designs that represent The Shoreline brand.
Join our team of young adults who are passionate about using their gifts and talents to glorify God in TEN:TEN!
The TEN:TEN Leadership Team serves our young adult community in a number of ways:
Welcome Team
Prayer Team
Worship Team
Connect Team (Photo & Social Media)
Hospitality Team
Set up/Tear Down Team
Announcement Team
If you are a young adult who loves Jesus and wants to serve His Church, apply today!
Check out our Missions page to find all of our current serving opportunities!