It’s time for something BIG!
The Shoreline Church is re-imaging what Sunday morning looks like for our precious kiddos. Our mission is the same - to walk hand in hand with you the parents and lead these kids into the loving arms of Jesus. So what’s changing?
We are working hand in hand with our long-time partner in missions Kids Around The World by bringing you KIDSTory! It’s an incredible way to simplify our Sunday mornings stories without watering down the powerful biblical truths they offer. In addition we’re looking to offer LIVE WORSHIP and some creative new games.
Want to hear more?
PLEASE join us for our KIDStory training session Sunday, September 15th. We’ll begin DURING 3rd serving at 11:15, we’ll have lunch and immersive training for you. We’ll also have full childcare and lunch for your children in our Pipeline Kids rooms. Sign up TODAY!!!